Wyoming Horses And Mules
- We make our living a'horse back
We really do care about the happiness of both our horses, mules and customers, so it is a joy to hear from you.

We promised you some pictures. Actually, Haley is working on a video to send you of how she and Blue are getting along. He is so awesome, He has become the leader of our pack here. He edged Comanche out, which was no easy feet, but Comanche needed to learn some manners anyway, so he did us all a favor. Haley works with Blue for about two to three hours a night. They are best buddies. He loves all of us because we scratch his behind. We are in the process of building an indoor arena and the man came to lay it out and blue came up to him and turned his butt to him. The guy jumped back about ten feet and I couldn't figure out what he jumped from. He was very panicked, and when I asked, he said "Did you see that mule come up and square off to kick me?" We started laughing because we have become used to it, but he scared this guy to death. Most people around these parts don't trust mules. The vet says they are poorly bred around here and the result is not great mules. He feels they take an old mare that is no longer of much use and breed her to a jack, just because they can, and the result is a poor animal. We brought all five of the mules to the vet here and he could not believe how well they behaved. He said they are not your normal mules:) The dynamics around here have changed drastically since we got rid of Dilly. Blue and Lexie, Loren's mule, are best buddies. Lexie is at the bottom of the pack and hangs onto blue diamond because he protects her. She has been awesome, as long as we keep Blue by her. Johnny has decreased in age with these two new ones, he has become a new mule with activity and we are thrilled with that. Annie has been put in her place with Haley enjoying Blue so much, but she needed that anyway:) We live in a subdivision at the outskirts of the city and we ride them around about five nights a week, they love it. All five meet us at the gate and want to go. We never need to hunt one down or get oats, they just come running. If we go outside and clap and call Blue, he races to the gate to come out. Not pushy, but wants to be involved in every move here.
Haley bought a tarp and flag and has been working with Blue with them, and he does great:) She really took to heart your advice on not laying him down often and has probably done it maybe 3 times total.
I have zero doubt that Blue is anything but perfect for her. She was ready for the challenge and he gets away with nothing. It was a pair that was meant to be. Thank you so much for all of your concern.
We truly enjoyed meeting you and Jeff and getting to know you better. We will keep in touch. If you are ever this way and need a place to stay, please feel free to look us up. Thank you again.

Hi Christina and Jeff,
Hope you are having a good summer. I have attached a photo of Playboy with one of our guests … in the middle of our lake
Will send some pics of the other horses as well, they are doing great.
Take care,

Hi Christina, hi Jeff,
Attached also some pics of Apache (the Appaloosa) and Twister. We ride them a lot.

I have had just a wonderful few days with Shiner and he is just what I have been looking for. He was excellent on the trail today and he is just a really nice horse... Again my hat is off to you both for picking out a nice youngster and then bringing him along really nice! Fantastic job!

Hi, Jeff and Christina,
I want to let you know how much I’m enjoying Flint and he is becoming popular up here where I live. He was a crowd pleaser in a harness show at our recent fair and I’m taking him to a draft horse show in a couple weeks in Deer Lodge. Enclosed are a couple recent pictures. If you find a horse that might make a good partner for him in a team, I’m sure interested.

Hi Jeff and Christina,not sure if the photos came through or not but they were from our first mule show.She did awesome.Ireally enjoy working with her and I soon get to do some cow work with her!!Thank you again for a GREAT mule!

Just wanted to let you know that we are thoroughly enjoying Peppie who we have renamed Pepper. Now that winter is here she will be enjoying a life of leisure until spring, but she is a real sweetie and a pleasure to be around. I finally clued in to her turning her ass towards me as wanting a butt scratch.
It didn't take her long to grow a thick winter coat when the cooler weather hit.

Hi Jeff & Christina,
Just wanted to show you how proud we are and how well Tiger did in the 4th of July parade today. We got 1st place in the mounted division for best or cutest costume and dressing him up. I had our Saint Bernard named Buck with us, my little grand daughter who's 9 yrs. old is riding Tiger. We just adore him!!!! He's doing great. I have more pictures to send you, when I get more time!
Happy 4th!!!

Hi there! I thought I would give you guys a few pictures of the boys at camp this summer, I have been meaning to send some pics! They have been doing amazing and enjoying all the different things that the girls have taken them to over the past year! I will send some more photos for you to see in a few emails to follow! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Talk to you soon! Wendy (and Willie and Waylon!) and girls!
Hi there;
I purchased Royal Dee Pep Olena at the Top Notch horse sale in Cody and just wanted to give you a bit of feedback. She is an absolute dream...couldn't be more pleased. She is very willing, moves great, is softin the mouth with good flexion, will actually watch a cow, and most importantly, has perhaps the best temperment I have ever encountered. I just thought you might like to know how much she is adored...thank you so much! If I am ever in the market for another horse, you will be the first place I look.
Hi: Just a short note to let you know that we are very happy with peppy. As I am on days off we had the time to take her out for a ride to our trappers cabin, about a six hour ride. My wife Celia and Peppy got along very well and she preformed perfectly. She is fitting in well with our other mules. We could not be happier. Once again thank you very much and look forward to doing business with you in the future.

Hey you two,
Just an update on Victory (Tom - ha ha).
He's doing fabulous and mingling in well with my other horses. The only one
that semi-pushes him around is my 18 hh Percheron, but they are both teddy
bears and it's not a battle, just a slow pushing around type of
I let him adjust for a couple weeks on my ranch, then I got him in the round
pen, he did wonderful. I even got him to lay down, sat on him, he stayed
relaxed, then I rode him around, then into my trails with a girlfriend of
mine from MO. He did PERFECTLY!
Thank you both again for my awesome horse. I just LOVE him. I had him
micro chipped so that I can hopefully have him forever.
Take care & I hope you'll keep in touch.
Hi Christina!!
Waylon arrived a few hours ago safe and sound!! He settled in wonderful here! Walked up the long driveway like he had lived here before with our daughter, all my girls are in love and I am too! He looked so majestic and handsome when the trailer door opened tonight and he looked down at all of us! My husband is in TN at a horse show so I was a bit nervous being here alone when he came, but he put me at ease with his calm demeanor when he stepped off the trailer. He is truly a gentle boy! We couldn't be happier, he is in a stall next to our QH pony mare that he seems to like, the only time he got excited tonight is when our solid black Morgan pony came down the aisle, I think he may have thought it was Willie perhaps, I felt bad, I am sure he will adjust without him, but I know he thought it was someone familiar to him. After he sniffed her he put his head down and kept eating his dinner again. Hope Willie has adjusted at your house without him too. Waylon will be showered with attention here, we are looking forward to spending the weekend getting to know him. We are planning to let him rest and settle in a bit for a few days before we start riding him. I will keep you posted on everything and I will make sure you get some pictures from time to time too! Thank you so much for our dream horse! He is a special horse, we can tell already!
How are you? Just wanted to drop you guys a quick note to let you know how well the boys are doing in PA!! They seem to like it here with all of our girls, we have 3 and our neice is riding them too! They are everything you said they were and more! Sorry for the delay, we left for our Thanksgiving vacation the night after Willie arrived so we just started riding him this week when we returned, our 14 year old hopped on him first before my husband which shocked us, and rode right off on him like he had been her horse for her whole entire life!! She fell madly in love instantly and they have been glued together all week, guess my husband lost out again--haha!
We are really enjoying them! We also wanted you to know how happy they were to see each other when Willie arrived, I think they went into shock again for the second time being reunited after a month of being away from each other!! Waylon galloped to the fence when he heard Willie call for him! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen between horses! They are always together in the pasture and call once in a while to each other if one is out without the other one, but then go back to business, they are really wonderful geldings. Thank you so much for all of your help and guidance with purchasing them! We are thrilled to have both of them here and we will send you pictures to keep you updated on what they are doing with the girls! Waylon has already been to two riding clinics with Jenna and Sarah. Willie decided right away that he loved to jump, he is so athletic! Waylon took a day or two to get used to it and now he loves it too, he was just a bit more cautious, too cute! He is also spoiled already with his apple treats, looks for them in our pockets! Thanks again!!!

Jeff&Christina, I had the wife take this picture of the grandson and his first ride on Will with me. I thought you might like. Would be a good picture to show someone what kind of mules you guys have and how good they are broke when you sell them. You guys have a good training program.
Dear Jeff and Christina,
Hope all is well with you.
Ruby is just exactly as you represented her. She has plenty of fire but controllable. She fit right into my string this spring during lambing and getting our yearlings processed and out on the range. She is great to rope off of, when I take my rope down she is ready to give me a good shot. I can step of with a critter caught and she calmly works the rope while I do the ground work. She has a good soft mouth and real sensitive to leg pressure. I wish I was a better hand at putting a finished rein on her (like you all could do!). I believe you are right not to have offered her to a dude she is defiantly a cowboys mule. She will make me sit up and ride through some situations. She is real smart and would take advantage and develop bad habits if I am not careful. Now that the spring work is over and things have slowed down I will use Ruby almost exclusively through the summer with most of the work being checking, doctoring and changing pastures. I will do some slow cow work with Ruby by easing a yearling off from the bunch and moving when the cow moves and stopping when the cow stops hopefully she will show a lot of cow sense. I would say she is a Cadillac but she is sporty maybe Ferrari would be a better comparison.
I just wanted to let you know how marvelous Charlie Russell is!! He and I are starting to form a terrific partnership. You have done a wonderful job with him! I rode 12 miles yesterday with my friend and her endurance Arab had to jog to keep up with Charlie's walk. Charlie (renamed Cody) didn't even break a sweat though the course was quite hilly. I am having so much fun! Thank you !!!
Do you still have the video you made of him? I would love to have a copy- I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks for my new partner- I couldn't be happier!
Sincerely, Lauren McKinley

Hi Jeff and Christina,
Just wanted to give you an update on two wonderful horses that we bought from you guys a couple of years ago. You may remember that we bought Gabby and Bartender at the Cody Sale in ‘09. We absolutely love them. I’m attaching a couple of pictures of us at Mt. Rogers.
Take care,
Steve and Sherry Coldron

Recently we had the joy of selling Christinas favorite mule Foxie to a very nice man from Utah, this is some of the words and pictures we have gotten back from him since:

"Good ride today in the rain. This country is 15 min from my house. Foxie was perfect again. Bridges, streams, mean dogs, steep, many obstacles, motorcycles, mountain bikes, nothing bothers her even a couple of feet away. turned her loose once and she followed along like a dog. Let me know when you get good ones. I will pass the word. Lots of mule people here. "

"12 miles In new county today. She is perfect in every way. Very safe and sweet as can be. Would not sell her for 20 k and she will just get better. Very happy."

Jeff and Christina,
Hey there, just thought I'd tell you what Molly and I have been up to since I bought her at Jake Clark 2015 sale, as you can see by the pictures we've been doing some mountain riding. I'd all but quit riding in our beautiful mountains because the last few animals I've had weren't real "safe" on the trails. The only problem Molly and I have had so far is the first back packers we encountered--Molly did a very nice spin on a dime and gave 9 cents change so to speak--she thought they were "mule eating monsters" until they shared their peanut butter granola bar with her and told her how pretty she was, now back packers aren't so bad.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying Molly--and so far if hubby wants to keep up with us on flat ground he either has to ride a 4 wheeler or trot whatever he's riding--Molly can really cover the ground!!!