Wyoming Horses And Mules
- We make our living a'horse back

This picture is taken at Highland park in the Bighorn Mountains. We are taking a group of local men on a packtrip for Spear'o'wigwam lodge. This is a stop on the trail that goes from the lodge to the camp at Beaver lakes. Jeff is sitting on his personal mule Shania Twain, holding a string of our own mules.

This is from the camp at Beaver Lakes. the left picture is Christina providing the evening entertainment while the dishwater is being heated. The right picture is both of us preparing dinner.

This is me on my mule Back Alley Sally, leading a string of our own mules and horses out from a very remote hunting camp, where we stayed and cooked and wrangled horses for 40 days strait.

Each year, we bring a handful of good mules to Jake Clark Muledays. We always have a lot of fun! Here is a few pictures from past years.

And... how we just love hanging out in those mountains with our horses and mules. It clears both theirs and our minds.

We also have a good training program at the ranch. Here is a few snapshots form our daily lives.

We also enjoy driving horses