Wyoming Horses And Mules
- We make our living a'horse back
Thanks to all of our customers and to all the people who bid on our horses and mules at auctions. Here are just a few of the nice horses and mules we have sold in the past:
Buckwheat sold at the Jake Clark Muledays in Ralston Wyoming 2011 to a very nice couple from Idaho. We thank you guys very much for being returning customers and congratulations!
We hope to see you at the sale again.
Tom sold at the Top Notch horse sale in cody wyoming. He was a very special draft cross gelding, that we were very proud of! Tom placed 10th in the ranch horse competition agains a long line of nice quarter horses. Thank you and congratulations to Vanetta Evans, Arkansas.

Buster was a very special young gelding, with a great mind. He was one of Christina's main rides in the Big Horn Mountains in the spring and summer of 2010.
Buster now lives in PA. Congratulations and thank you Judy.

Waylon was a super
willing half morgan half percheron gelding, that was broke to drive both single and double with his brother Willie.
Waylon was also one of Christina's rides on the mountain in 2010. Waylon was very gentle and stayed broke and soft. He was mainly ridden western, but I have heard from his new owners, that Waylon now is a hunter jumper, and the center of
attention at his new home in PA. We are very excited to say, that two weeks after getting Waylon home, his new family liked him so well, that they decided to also buy his brother and team mate Wille, and they tell us, that he is doing just as good as Waylon.
Thank you guys very much!

Team of paint mares willow and widow was a very fancy matched pair of paint mares sold at an auction in Minnesota.
Thanks to all the bidders and the new owner!!!

Shania Twain was Jeffs personal mule for five years, and he competed on her in every single rodeo event at Jake Clark Muledays, which includes team roping and other roping events, the mule race, poles, goat tieing, wild cow milking and even won the barrel racing on her. She was used behind cattle and could be ridden completly bridleless! She was one of a kind. She was and still is known and remembered by anyone regular to the Jake Clark Muledays. She was purchased by a couple, who saw her perform at the Muledays, and they still bring her to mule rodeos around the nation to compete.

Jasper was a very special mule out of a Tennesse walking mare and one of Christinas favorite mules. Jasper went to Calefornia. Thank you and congratulations Cheryl.
Jaspers new owner was concerned how he would do with bikes, so we made her this video...lol..